Tuesday, December 8, 2009
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Saturday, August 22, 2009
If the first song sounds familiar its because it was on a Clorox commercial. I heard it and it took me almost a year to find a downloadable version but I love it! Doesn't it just make you want to dance?!
Before you laugh at me for the the lyrics in the second song talking about brothels and bars, listen to the whole song. Its a tribute to the Prodigal Son.
I posted the third song because I've told a few of my friends about William Joseph but have never actually showed them how truly brilliant he is, so here you go guys enjoy.
The forth song is one that Stephen and I use to sit down together and sing. He'd play his guitar and we'd each take a part to sing, so its kinda nostalgic. Plus who doesn't love the sound of a twelve string?!
Fifth song just makes me want to play the piano. Jon Schmidt is Amazing!
Sixth is just a dang good song!
Seventh Bach's Cello Suit, I know this sounds so corny and cliche but the beginning of this song feeds my sole, I can feel it in every fiber or my being when i listen to it. Sorry the whole song isn't downloaded.
Eighth song is just a cute song about a fish : )
And the last song is also one of those nostalgic ones. My mom use to listen to this CD when we would clean on Saturdays and I always loved it. Its a kinda repetitive but its still a really pretty song.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Life's Little..........
Life's little moments-
There are some days when I wonder to my self " why do I even bother?" There will be a sink full of dishes tomorrow whether or not I choose to do them today. There is always enough laundry to cloth every homeless person in Phoenix. The kids faces are going to get dirty the next time I turn around. But then there are those little moments in life that make all those things seem a little less important.
Watching the kids play together and thoroughly enjoy each others company
A kiss on the forehead before Steve heads off to work
Listening to the boys say their prayers all by themselves (which I can assure you get quite funny at times)
Talking to a friend on the phone and hang up only to realize you've been talking about an hour too long
Life's little annoyances-
These seem to come to my head much quicker than the good things in life but some how writing them down makes them seem a little less annoying and a little more humorous.
HANGERS- Hangers our my mortal enemy! I HATE hangers! First of all the fact that I have hangers means that I've got things that need to be hung up! Strike one! Or how about when you are trying to get something that is hung up but there two or three hangers on top of each other making it quite a work out just to get the freakin shirt that you want. Strike two! Last and almost the worst for me is trying to get one hanger out of a pile of hangers while you are trying to hang up your cloths. Im already mad that I have to hang up cloths but now the hangers get stuck in a little hanger chain and you can't ever grab just one. Its like playing monkeys in a barrel, you end up pulling three or four of them with you. And instead of patiently taking them apart you just violently shake the hangers hoping the tag alongs will fall off, which doesn't work. Strike three hangers you are out!! I kid you not there have been several times when I was putting away laundry and I would shout in frustration and Steve would yell from the other room " Erin, put the hangers down! You're going to hurt someone!"
Dropping your keys- For some reason I find this extremely irritating! Must of the time it's because I've got my arms full of kids or groceries or something so it takes great effort for me to bend down and retrieve the keys. I dont know if this is something you do but it seems like everytime I drop my keys I can never get them the first time I bend down. I bend to get them grab and start to stand back up with out them in my hands. I repeat this three or four times sometimes before I successfully pick up my keys. Does anyone else do that? Its so frustrating!
Stepping in gum- I think this one bugs me because Im stepping on something that has been in someone elses mouth, SICK! Not to mention the fact that Im already mad cuz they didn't have to courtesy to just put it in a garbage can! Plus you never step on a piece of gum once. Every time you put your foot down you RE STEP on that same piece of gum, dragging little strings of gum behind you! Then you have to worry about getting into your car with the little friend you just picked up! UGH!
Life's Little Pleasures
Watching someone else step in gum!
That first sip of water after a long fast!
The feeling you get after the house is nice and clean
Those are some of the things in my life that keep it interesting and worth living! What are your Life's Little's?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Practicing Sitting
My littler sister has been staying with us this weekend while my parents are at youth conference for their ward. Last night we were browsing through some old pictures and videos of when the kids were littler. For some reason this little clip really stuck our funny bones, we could not stop laughing. Granted it was midnight and we were all hopped up on brownies and a case of the sillies but even still there are just so many funny things about this video. Listen closely to how articulate I am when I say "Jack is better at laying down than he is at sitting" I don't even think the word "sitting" came out of my mouth! The boys look so much different now then they did back then. Check out how Sam sports his PREEMIE onsie, he's practical drowning in it, also something we thought was gut busting! When they were little like this they use to make the funniest noises listen to the little grunts they make the imagine them in their little bassinet together in the middle of the night making ten times as much noise, I'm a little mad at myself for not recording that! I hope you enjoy this as much as we did, maybe you should watch it at midnight with some brownies it might make it a little more funny.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Also this week they took a bunch of the keys off our computer.
Poor little Elli doesn't ever do anything wrong so shes the forgotten child on our little family blog. Here's a picture of her fast asleep after enjoying a big fat cookie.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Little Criminals
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Little Rascals
Monday, March 16, 2009
8 months

To my little Elli: What a blessing you have been our lives! There is something about you that calms me and gives me peace. Your so content with life, some thing I've yet to learn! There are some blessings that our Heavenly Father gives us and we know they came from him, you truly are a blessing! I hope I can be the mother you deserve, but please be patient, I'm still learning, and there's alot of learning left for me to do. We are so grateful you are with us!
There are several times through out the day I feel like I don't quite deserve to be a mother. These children deserve some one much better than me, someone much more patient than I, Someone more fun, more clean, more creative but I am theirs and they are mine. I know that I am not alone in this venture, I have a father in heaven that knows my weaknesses and has promised to make them strengths if I am willing to work for it. He also know that I have strengths and has sent me these beautiful spirits for that reason. Today may be a good day and tomorrow might be bad but I have the blessing of prayer and the power gift of the Holy Ghost to help me know that I am doing OK and tomorrow is another day to try a little harder and be a little better.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Go ahead and laugh I will (some day)
Our 3rd anniversary was on the 29th of December and I have to tell ya I always thought it would take years for me to not want to do anything special for our anniversary but by the time we actually made it out the door I was ready to call it a night. My mom came over to take the kids for us so we could go out and the event began….. Jack started a coughing fit and I knew the night was over! You have to understand, for some reason my kids think its just plain hilarious to make what should be a nice night, a catastrophe. Jack starts the coughing fit so I have him come into the kitchen to get a drink to clam him down before the inevitable happens. Much to my chagrin it was too late and he threw up all over the floor. My mom picks him up and puts him on the counter to clean him off only to be the victim of Jacks next spew that was much worse. And because he was on the counter it not only got all over my mom but also splattered on every surface of my kitchen. I sigh and think “well at least its in the kitchen and it’s easy to clean up” right?! HA! No no I’m not that lucky….Sam comes running in to see what the commotion is all about and slips in the throw up and smacks is head on the tile!! Oh Boy!! So I pick the weeping tot up and try to comfort him by rocking him and pacing back and forth in the living room……whats that you say…. In the living room? Yes you guessed it Sam throws up all over me (who now is wondering why she ever got dressed up in the first place) and the carpet which is not as easy to clean up. Needles to say you can now understand A- why we never go out and B- why I was so ready for the night to be over