Thursday, April 30, 2009

So today I was talkin to a few of my friends about how my boys are always doing naughty things, only to run into this mess later this afternoon. These two little boys sure keep me on my toes. But I have found, a good way to calm myself, in a situation that I could very easily get mad at, is to grab my camera and take a picture or video. For some reason this helps me find humor in the chaos of a disaster. So here you go Liz and Terina, here is a video of those little boys you think are angles, caught in the act!

Also this week they took a bunch of the keys off our computer.

Poor little Elli doesn't ever do anything wrong so shes the forgotten child on our little family blog. Here's a picture of her fast asleep after enjoying a big fat cookie.



Brittney Blount said...

So thats the secret... grab the camera. That will be good to know in about a year! By the way that is hilarious!

Rootbeer Floats said...

Dear me... wondering what I have to look forward to... I will have to keep the camera trick in the memory bank!!

Malerie said...

I think you have the best terrorizing stories, ever!
At least you're nice and laugh about them. I love that they just keep on playing even with the camera and you there! They are adorable, even all covered in flour! More power to ya girl, i know i couldn't do twins! You're doing a pretty good job if you'd ask me.

My nephew took the keys off of my computer too, some of them got put back on, but one did not, it's just empty but it still works!

The Kirbys said...

oh my gosh!! i don't think i've laughed so hard in a while! i miss you guys! i'll be in az on may 23rd through june 3rd so we def need to set a date to hang out! (scary thing is...after everything you show me with those 2, i still want one ha)

Elizabeth Farnsworth said...

That is hilarious!! I am passing out right now. They are still angels, but I guess they do have a little human in them. Thanks for a good laugh, I needed it!!

Terina said...

Oh my goodness I was bustin up! They must be angels with devil horns!!! LOL

G Gang said...

Oh my gosh Erin! You are a saint. I would not deal that well.

Jessica said...

Erin you are one patient mommy!!! I wish i could be as patient as you are! God bless you for being such a great mommy!!!!

Kendra said...

your kids are so cute :) i cant wait to get married and have kids :)i love how you are able to laugh we they do something bad i hope one day that i can be like that :)

Marilyn said...

You have the patience of Job!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Thats funny! The computer would've sent me over the top.
love love the pic of Elle.

Kathy P said...

So did you end up saving any of that flour???

This is when you get the hose and spray the boys down... :)

amy said...

You are a saint!! I love it!