Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog:
2. Answer the six "8" items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
8 Favorite TV Shows
1. The Office
2. Pushing Daisys
3. Seinfield
4. House
5. Biggest Loser
6. What Not To Wear
7. Hidden Potential
8. Divine Design
8 Things I did yesterday
1. Went and saw my new niece, Brin
2. Fed Elli
3.Stayed home from church with sick kids (my kid’s are broken, they are always sick)
4. Fed Elli
5. Attempted to take a nap but failed
6. Fed Elli
7. Dressed my niece in a funny shrimp costume
8. Made yummy alfrado pasta oh yeah and fed Elli
8 Things I look forward to
1. Steve coming home from work
2. Watching the Burb’s on Halloween
3. Thanksgiving feast
4. Christmas
5. Bed time
6. The weekend
7. Dressing for cold weather!
8. The Office
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Caraba’s
2. Burger King
3. In-N- Out
4. Uno’s
5. Gecko Grill
6. Paradise Bakery
7. Wild Flower
8. Mimi’s Cafe
8 Things on my wishlist
1.Spend more time with Steve
2. Another kid or two (eventually)
3. A puppy
4. Someone to cook delicious meals for me
5. A clean house
6. Time to go to school
7. A vacation with Steve
8. A second car
8 People I tag
1. Megan
2. Katie
3. Clair
4. Brittney
5. Rachel
6. Tarina
7. Zeke
8. Ali
And Anyone else to wants to join in the fun!