Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Go ahead and laugh I will (some day)

Its been a while since I’ve updated my blog mostly because Im a lazy loser but also because I feel like something big has to happen for my post to be interesting. Well we had a wonderful Christmas, small but wonderful. We had an awesome time with Steve’s family. Steve’s sister does an elaborate game every year with family trivia that is a blast! It starts after Thanksgiving, we receive numerous emails everyday with pictures and questions about the event. One of the categories is a picture and you have to write a funny caption to go along with it, the family really started to show their colors with this one and it was gut busting fun!! We spent the rest of the night sharing musical (or not so musical if you were sitting next to me) talents and singing carols, and chatting late into the night. Christmas Eve was spent with my family we opened stockings and had a blast playing a life size game of Jenga that’s right my dad made a Jenga game out of two by fours it was humongous, we spent all night trying to come up with fun new names for it I think Giganga was the one that suck. Leave it to yours truly to knock it down trying to be witty and make it hard for the next player. I think before the tower toppled it was only a foot or so from the ceiling fan. It was a fun filled night! Christmas morning was simple we opened a few presents and a nice breakfast then we headed to my sister in-laws for games and dinner! It was a very nice pleasant Christmas and the first time in TWO YEARS that we didn’t have a child or two in the hospital.

Our 3rd anniversary was on the 29th of December and I have to tell ya I always thought it would take years for me to not want to do anything special for our anniversary but by the time we actually made it out the door I was ready to call it a night. My mom came over to take the kids for us so we could go out and the event began….. Jack started a coughing fit and I knew the night was over! You have to understand, for some reason my kids think its just plain hilarious to make what should be a nice night, a catastrophe. Jack starts the coughing fit so I have him come into the kitchen to get a drink to clam him down before the inevitable happens. Much to my chagrin it was too late and he threw up all over the floor. My mom picks him up and puts him on the counter to clean him off only to be the victim of Jacks next spew that was much worse. And because he was on the counter it not only got all over my mom but also splattered on every surface of my kitchen. I sigh and think “well at least its in the kitchen and it’s easy to clean up” right?! HA! No no I’m not that lucky….Sam comes running in to see what the commotion is all about and slips in the throw up and smacks is head on the tile!! Oh Boy!! So I pick the weeping tot up and try to comfort him by rocking him and pacing back and forth in the living room……whats that you say…. In the living room? Yes you guessed it Sam throws up all over me (who now is wondering why she ever got dressed up in the first place) and the carpet which is not as easy to clean up. Needles to say you can now understand A- why we never go out and B- why I was so ready for the night to be over