After the hunt we had dinner. There was so much food you barley had a place to put your plate of food. My brother Blake and his wife were in charge of the rotisserie and they did and excellent job, I've never tasted roast so juicy, tender and all around delicious.
All these shots were taken of different parts of the table, Im not sure if that helps you get a better mental picture or not but there was A LOT of food!

Wow that was a long post. Sorry.
After we stuffed our selfs full, the ball started. My sister Jodi and her husband taught everyone how to do the waltz! It was so fun although I have to admit, I am the worst dancer ever, poor Stephen! Unfortunatly I didn't get any picture of that with my camera, I was too busy tripping all over myself. We danced till our feet hurt so bad we couldn't walk anymore. Then we played a game of croquet that my cute little sister Paisly set up for everyone. It was a really fun night and Im already starting to plan for next year!
Wow that was a long post. Sorry.